Starting on February 6, we will be conducting our meetings of creditors using the new protocols as required by the United States Trustee. Just a few reminders:
1. Your clients’ photo id’s and proof of the social security number need to be provided to us at least 14 days prior to the Meeting of Creditors. If you have not already done so, PLEASE get those documents filed in our secure system as soon as possible.
2. When you file, please upload your documents to our web site ( go to
the quick links portal, go to Upload Documents, log in and first select the folks for whom you are submitting the documents (Debtor 1, Debtor 2 or Joint), link your scanned or EGT material, and identify it ONLY as “Debtor 1 ID/SSN verification” or “Debtor 2 ID/SSN Verification. Do not upload these documents to any other location since we will be seeking to delete all such files at confirmation. We will be looking for documents to delete in this location.
3. Please do not attempt to upload a JPG file or other photo format. The best way, I am told, is to use the scan option on your notes app on your smart phone. The images must be high resolution and easy for us to compare with the image on Zoom.
4. Please make sure that you and your clients upload tax returns for the year prior to filing in the tax return section of the upload link. They are statutorily to be uploaded at least 7 days prior to the MOC.
5. You and your clients should be in our waiting room at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time for their meeting. Tardy appearance may result in further delay and will force others waiting to attend to be further inconvenienced.
6. Make sure your clients are in a quiet, private location. The protocols indicate that only the debtors’ attorney and the debtors’ attorneys’ staff are permitted in the room while the MOC is conducted.
7. Debtors should have their petitions in front of them during the meeting. Many Debtors’ attorneys find it most convenient and less stressful to have the debtors with them at the attorney’s office.
8. If you are representing a creditor, make sure that when the meeting begins you are in a position to identify yourself and the party you are representing.
Maggie has advised that we will be reviewing all of our experiences at the next Roundtable, scheduled for February 27, 2024 at 2:00 CST.