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Chapter 13 Filing Trends (June Update)


The June Chapter 13 filings in the Middle District of Tennessee were significantly higher than last June's, reversing the trend over the preceding two months of slowing year-over-year growth. Find updated charts below.

If you'd like information about national case filing trends, you may be interested in a free webinar scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, hosted by the ABI in partnership with Epiq Bankruptcy. Information and registration link here.


Office Location

1800 Church Street

Nashville, TN 37203

Tel: 615-244-1101

Fax: 615-242-3241


Monday - Friday

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Closed New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday), Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day

Mailing Addresses (USPS)

Chapter 13 Trustee's Office

P.O.Box 340019

Nashville, TN 37203

Chapter 12 Trustee's Office

P.O.Box 330297

Nashville, TN 37203

Classroom Locations

1800 Church Street

Suite 200

Nashville, TN 37203


Memorial Building

308 West 7th Street

Columbia, TN 38401


Hyder-Burks Agricultural Pavilion

2390 Gainesboro Grade

Cookeville, TN 38501

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