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From the Trustee: Press Release on Student Loans, NACTT Roundtable, Bar Committee Meeting, and More



Several matters:

1. Several members of the consumer bar have told me that they have failed to receive the NACTT press release on the student loan changes as they relate to bankruptcy. Find it here:

2. Remember that the NACTT seminar is being held in an air conditioned hotel in Austin Texas. I hope many of you can attend. However, if you cannot, The powers that be in the NACTT are opening up the first of a number of Roundtable discussion on matters relating to consumer bankruptcy so that anyone attending at the conference can attend, but if you cannot attend, you can participate in the discussion remotely. Find information about registering here:

3. The Bar Lunch meeting will be held tomorrow, Thursday, July 13 (Maggie Reidy’s birthday) at the Bradley offices. Please try to attend. Find information here:

4. We have been concerned over the impact of the Doll and Evans cases, and we are fighting to get reset MOC’s set earlier. We can be a little more flexible if we know in plenty of time that the debtor or the debtors’ attorney cannot attend. So let us know early.

5. Please be flexible as we work toward Meetings of Creditors being made uniform across the country by the UST. When there is a roll out date, there will be plenty of training that you will want to attend.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Henry E. Hildebrand, III

Chapter Thirteen Trustee

PO Box 330818 (correspondence)

PO Box 340019 (Pleadings and Payments)

Nashville, TN 37203

615-244-1101 (general)

615-687-3213 (direct)

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Office Location

1800 Church Street

Nashville, TN 37203

Tel: 615-244-1101

Fax: 615-242-3241


Monday - Friday

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Closed New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday), Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day

Mailing Addresses (USPS)

Chapter 13 Trustee's Office

P.O.Box 340019

Nashville, TN 37203

Chapter 12 Trustee's Office

P.O.Box 330297

Nashville, TN 37203

Classroom Locations

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Suite 200

Nashville, TN 37203


Memorial Building

308 West 7th Street

Columbia, TN 38401


Hyder-Burks Agricultural Pavilion

2390 Gainesboro Grade

Cookeville, TN 38501

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