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January Roundtable

From the Trustee:

The January Roundtable is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday January 24 at 2:00 CST. The Roundtable will be an “in person” Roundtable, held at the Trustee's education classroom at 19th and Church Street. Warning: there is construction going on at the Church Street/19th Avenue intersection, so you might want to approach from Charlotte Avenue or 18th Avenue and drive up the alley behind the trustees office. While most of you, I am sure, will want to be there in person (and Judge Walker, our speaker WILL be there in person), I have prepared a Zoom link to allow those of you where travel would make it difficult to participate.

The topic will be retaining professionals presented by the Court. If you have questions, you will definitely want to be there. You might share this with your PI or Realtor friends.

Ch 13 Trustee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ch 13 Trustee's Zoom Meeting

Time: Jan 24, 2023 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 8822 7453

Passcode: 043992

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Meeting ID: 825 8822 7453

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