The NBA Bankruptcy Court Committee held its first in-person meeting since 2020 on Tuesday. On the agenda was an issue of particular interest to Chapter 13 practitioners: a proposal to update the Administrative Order on “No Application” Debtors’ Attorney’s fees.
The Local Rules Subcommittee developed the proposal, and the Judges requested input from the full Court Committee. Find a recap of the meeting and copies of the meeting materials (including the proposal from the Local Rules Subcommittee) here:
The next Bankruptcy Court Committee meeting is scheduled for January 10th at 12:00 p.m. at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, 1600 Division St., Ste. 700, Nashville, TN 37203. A virtual option is also available (Webex meeting link here).
To get notices about the Bankruptcy Court Committee, contact the chair, Austin McMullen ( And to get notices about the Local Rules Subcommittee, contact Maggie Reidy (