Joe and Maggie have asked us to forward information about the next Roundtable with the hope that you can attend.
Many changes are coming related to Court hearings and in Meetings of Creditors. And these changes will impact all chapters and all of the judges’ operations Much of it will be new and as practitioners we are expected to understand what is involved and make certain that these new procedures effect a minimal disruption to your operations.
October 2023 Roundtable
-Topic: New Court Procedures
-Date and Time: October 3, 2023 at 3:00 PM at the Chapter Trustee's Classroom –
-Speaker: Kyle Craddock, Chief Deputy Clerk
-Attendance Options: In Person and Zoom.
If you elect to appear by Zoom, here is the link. We hope you will be with us at 1800 Church Street.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 1141 9456
Passcode: 050362