Please join us this evening at 5:00 pm, IN PERSON, for the Trustee's Roundtable. We'll be meeting in our classroom at 1800 Church Street. Many of you have expressed an interest in an open discussion of the matters that impact so directly on your livelihood, and to reignite the spark of discussion amongst the consumer bar. Please help us make this productive by participating. The Trustee is responsible for the beer and wine.
We will set up a Zoom access for our Columbia and Cookeville friends that would like to participate in the discussion, although those folks will miss out on the beer and wine.
Also, please plan ahead to attend the Retirement Party for Judge Harrison. She has served on our bench for more than 20 years and has had a great and positive impact on the participants in consumer bankruptcy. Note there is an RSVP link on the invitation. We hope to see you there.
