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Upcoming Meetings


From the Trustee:

Joe and Maggie have requested that I send to you the plans for upcoming monthly Roundtable gatherings. It really helps if we have a strong showing from the consumer bar at all of the Roundtables, and, given the tepid filing rates, you should be able to find the time to attend. Attached is the May Roundtable invitation. Since it is really a social and networking opportunity, you will note that it is a little later than we normally meet (at least since COVID).

Looking ahead, the June roundtable will be June 13, 2023. Pat Schaefer with TFS will be speaking to us. Be sure to ask him about the new reports that TFS is making available to attorneys with clients that are using TFS to make their chapter 13 plan payments. It will be held at 2 pm in our classroom. You may have staff that would benefit from this discussion, so feel free to include them. For July, we normally don’t have a Roundtable because of the NACTT conference, summer vacations and 4th of July. August, we can report on NACTT and Keith said he wants to talk about student loans at some point.

Let Maggie know if you want a brochure/agenda regarding the NACTT seminar in Austin.

Also, a reminder that the Bankruptcy Bar meeting is today, at noon. The meeting is held at the Bradley offices, at 1600 Division Street, Suite 700. Austin has been lining up sponsors to provide free lunches at recent meetings, so be sure to get on his mailing list if you're not already so that you can RSVP for future meetings.

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